What changes in Dream League Soccer 2022 will actually make this game more popular


The short name for Dream League Soccer is DLS. First Touch Games is the developer company of this popular mobile football game. Their DLS version was very popular till 2019. But they came in 2020 and created a new version of DLS 20 called Dream League Soccer 2020 and the previous name became just Dream League Soccer. They separate the two games.



The previous version can be played offline, but the new version is completely online. Because of this they have lost many users. There are many other reasons why the new game is losing popularity. However, the new game is ahead of the previous one in many ways. Such as - graphics, the appearance of the players, etc. However, with the addition of many new things, this game will become more popular than the previous one. 


The new update of the DLS 20 game is DLS 21. From 2020 to 2021 some slight changes have been made. Only 9 players are available in the transfer market of DLS 21. But in 2019, almost all the players would be available. As a result, the player of his choice could be bought whenever he wanted. I think the number of Transfer Market players in DLS 22 should be further increased. Besides, out of 12 formations of the team, only 2 are free. Its number too. Will increase. In general, most of the features of DLS 21 are locked. The more it can be reduced the more popular it will become. No more than 40 players can be kept in the team. The number must be increased.

Now let's talk about the real thing. That is graphics. The graphics are good enough considering the size of the game. Because most of the players have been given real looks. The amount should be 100% and the quality of appearance should be further improved. The game will be more popular, especially if players can always be given live updates on their appearance. Also another very important issue is the skill of the player. All the players in this game have been given the same skills. That is why there is no real feeling while playing. So every player should be given updates on real skills. Although it is a very difficult & time consuming task but as a result the game will gain wide popularity.

Adding the convenience of playing Exhibition Match, this game will become very popular. Exhibition Match is the game of choosing the team of your choice from among all the teams. Also, the names of each team in this game are not real. The Juventus club is named after J Turin. These problems need to be addressed. In addition to the custom kit, each team will have to give the original kit. Then this game will become more real and popular.

Also need to add real goal celebration and new commentary. The number of stadiums needs to be increased and real stadiums need to be added. In this game, stadium viewers need to add real animations. Much more like this can be added. But if they will add the ones I mentioned, the DLS 22 football game could be the best mobile football game of 2022.


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